Employment Services

We pride ourselves on assisting our clients with either discovering their dream or chasing it. From start to finish, the HDE staff takes a team approach to give individuals the best chance to achieve and retain employment. Our team consists of Employment Professionals, who provide services directly to clients, and an Employment Services Coordinator, whose role is to monitor that services are on track to reach pre-determined goals. The HDE team approach sets us apart which is reflected in the long-term success of those we place in permanent employment positions.

Discovery /
Career Exploration

Individuals who seek assistance to identify and explore the right employment opportunities will start in Discovery, if funded by the Community Developmental Disability Program (CDDP), or Career Exploration, if funded by Vocational Rehabilitation (VR). Our Employment Professionals invest time in learning each person’s unique abilities and interests. The Discovery process takes about 90 days and includes: interviews with the potential employee as well as key individuals in their life, home visits, skill observation, and more. In Career Exploration, typically a 30-day process, we seek out informational interviews, job shadows, and volunteer opportunities. Once finished, the individual has a vocational profile that will help match the person with potential work opportunities.


When an individual enters Job Development, we strive to stay true to our findings during the assessment period and never rush the process. While a client can start directly in Job Development, those who complete Discovery or Career Exploration transition smoothly when continuing services with HDE. During this phase, the Employment Professional contacts employers who are a mutually good fit with the individual to discuss job opportunities and the value of employing an individual in VR services. We are thorough in the search for the right employer to ensure a good fit and a long-lasting and successful employment experience for both the employer and employee.


Ongoing success is the goal. Job Coaching continues as needed for up to two years to ensure the job is performed to the employer’s standards. The Employment Professional often spends more time directly on the job to start and ‘fades’ over time as the employee demonstrates proficiency. We also develop effective communication and create natural supports in the business to establish a positive and successful work environment. As time passes, we can assist with future expansion of job duties and skill development.

FOR EMPLOYERS: Benefits for Your Business

No Cost: Our services are always free to employers; we are an Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation vendor for tracks 1, 2, and 3.

Dependable Employees: Our job seekers are motivated people who take pride in their work and the organizations that employ them.

Economic Incentives: The federal government provides a Work Opportunity Tax Credit for businesses who hire people with disabilities.

Increased Diversity:  Working alongside employees with disabilities promotes an inclusive work environment for everyone. Employees with disabilities are able to display their creativity and problem-solving that can resonate with co-workers.

Capable Employees:  While often the most difficult reason for employers to understand, hiring people with disabilities adds capable workers to the organization. People with disabilities have many strengths to contribute, and the job has been targeted by the individual and support team with careful planning to make sure it's a good fit.