Thrift Store Shopping Trip

As a caregiver, I help people continue to live life to their full potential. Being a caregiver is a lot more than just helping with medications, getting dressed, or staying independent in their home. It also means sharing moments in life and finding things we love to do together. This is one of those stories and it’s why I love my job.
Thrift store shopping and finding hidden gems is a common interest Donna and I share. Whether it be an edgy t-shirt from the 80s or a vintage porcelain doll with so much character, you just can’t leave it on that driveway floor, we both love the thrill of the hunt that is thrifting. Therefore, when I heard about the Northwest’s Largest Garage & Vintage sale last summer, I knew Donna and I had to experience it together. I was completely unaware that it would end up being one of the most nostalgic and cherished days of my life.
The day of the event, I ensured Donna had all of her essentials in tow, including her handy walker and plenty of sunscreen, and we hopped in my car. Once we arrived, we were in sheer astonishment by the size and assortment this garage sale event offered. There were whimsical knick-knacks and vintage treasures as far as the eye could see. After traveling through this vast maze of stands and shops, we came upon an older man selling all things Disney and 90s cartoons. I quickly realized he was selling a Pokémon shirt with Pikachu on the front I had owned as a child. Donna saw the twinkle in my eyes and offered to buy it for me. I obviously refused her money, but it was in that moment I realized our bond went beyond caregiver and client. This wonderful elderly woman I had been providing care for was now a good friend of mine, and I was absolutely delighted.
It’s rare that two people with a 40+ year age difference can find things in common, but Donna and I seem to have no problem doing so. This adorably quirky elderly woman has brought so much purpose and joy into my life and I’m beyond grateful to have met her. I look forward to each shift knowing that there will be a new adventure with a friend who just needs a little extra help.